Initial Responses to news of a traumatic event
our responses to a traumatic event vary. It is important not to predict how someone will respond
rather to let people respond in their own way and in their own time
Shock is the most common response
A wife and mother suddenly losses a husband, a father of her children and (until recently and in some cases) the provider.
how will we manage?
pracital support is recommended.
When there is a disclosure of a crime
of a disclosure of a sex crime
members of an institution feel shame
the reputation of the institution istake
It is now realised the best response is to be open
and follow protocals which now exist.
If the event is contarary to ones expectations
one may feel betrayed.
eg disclosure of sexual abuse.
How could this happen?
Why wasn't it prevented?
and similar questions
anger is sometimes a grief reaction
and a natural reaction.
crying is a natural response.
actually quite healing
let tears flow.
Sometimes we see the warning signs
we try to set in place preventative measures
which are not implimented or fail.
the Council refuses to install a safety fence
someone is repermanded when at school
refuses to respond to instructions
doesn't respond to correction
then we hear that person has comitted a crime.
it's sad
people tried to stop a life going to waste
but it happened.