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Rev Graham Nathan Guy writes out of lived experience

and transferable concepts from his studies in the humanities and in Theological College

with 16 years in full time parish ministry.

     During the nineties he pioneered Mandatory Reporting and the ministerial duties of care.

     He wrote several Submissions to the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

     He is himself a survivor of early childhood sexual trauma and has written extensivly of models of recovery.

               he was sexually abused by teachers in government schools, church being his safe place.


     He researches privately and writes from a Christian Perspective  he has also written from a secular perpective to avoid triggering survivors of sexual abuse in churches particularly survivors of clergy abuse.

      He has been a participant in two male survivor 8 week group meetings and a repeat in each

                and attended the follow up meetings.

            His BA major was in Anthropology ( the study of culture ) and a minor in Sociology ( the study of power)  these giving him transferrable concepts.

             He also trained and volunteered to do overnight telephone counselling for a Christian  Crisis line and one year served on the Board.



Types of trauma and trauma dynamics:

  • Trauma
  • trauma avoidance
  • retraumatisation
  • guarding against retraumatisation



  • intergenerational trauma
  • intergenerational vicarious trauma
  • intergenerational vicariour trauma avoidance

Note:  avoidance may be a survival mechanism which should not be normally challenged

           other than a trained trauma release therapist when one is ready.


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