When I'm overwhelmed
you arn't alone
I am often overwhelmed and need a break ( I'm off to do the shopping for a break)
Some possable breaks:
- going for a walk
- watching You Tube music or satyre yes satyre it helps us cope without being disrespectful
- searching the scriptures for comfort eg the Psalms
- praying
- talking to friends or understanding family members who are resiliant and not prone to gossip or being vicariously traumatised themselves
- we know who we can trust
"When my heart is overwhelmed
lead me to the rock that is higher than I "
look for the first glimpse of light from the end of the tunnel
May God srengthen and keep you
it's ok to ask for help
- to ring Pastor
- to ring Lifeline 13 11 14 ( in Australia)
- do internet searches taking care
to only use legitimate sites