"search the scriptures
for in them you think you have eternal life"
"If you continue in my word
you will know the truth
and the truth will set you free"
Following the Shepherd
The Lord is my shepherd...."
Psalm 23
remains our source of comfort
- He leads us -
the still waters are the safe and clear waters
- He provides for us
Jesus said
"I am the good shepherd"
The shepherd protects His sheep
from the wolves, the wild bears.
as King David did when He was a shepherd boy.
How can we be more prepared in the future?
Hear His voice ( Hebrews )
let's listen and respond to His prompting.
sometimes we recall promptings
things that didn't seem right
recalling these might help process
our vicarious trauma
lets take this further over time....
we all react and process diferently
what comforts me might do nothing for someone else
I'm simply attempting to be helpful
knowing one can't be comforting to all the people
all of the time
I should not suggest that what helps one
will help everyone
discovery of what suits us personally
is part of walking along the pathway.
The Lord is our light
He shines His light ahead
sometimes it feels as if we are walking along in the dark.
"there is a light at the end of the tunnel"
Hope in God
how many times in despair
has the Lord brought Psalm 42
to my mind many times
this passage has been
n my antidote to depression.
"Hope in God"
v 11 Why are you cast down,
Oh my soul,
...Hope in God;
for I will yet praise Him,
my help
and my God."
the scriptures give us comfort
many devotional books have
been written illustrating
the comfort of the scriptures.
I find the Psalms very comforting
and when I read
of the Psalmist's despair
I read on to his finding hope.
when I read of God's judgement
I read on to see manifestations
of His great love
of His redemption
of His great salvation